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5 Simple Small Business Ideas for Australians in 2022


If you’ve ever thought of starting a business, you know how exciting it is. The thought of finally controlling your working hours, schedule and having something you can call your own is an end goal for many. But as with every big idea, a business requires money, time, effort, and risk. Luckily there are many ways you can start a business that allow you to focus more on getting started and less on the upfront costs and logistics.

The following are simple small business ideas that make for great entry points for anyone looking to start a small business, whether as a primary or side hustle. These ideas will let you pick a business without having to drop everything else in your life. Although you may still have to develop a solid plan for these ideas, build your brand, and put in the marketing effort, you can still make sales without the many traditional startup costs involved.

Here are our top 5 Simple Small Business Ideas:


Running a business requires having stock, packing it, and shipping to your clients wherever they are. Managing inventory needs total commitment when running a business, but dropshipping helps ease the stress of it all. Dropshipping is a simple business model that involves fulfilling products by involving third-party vendors.

With dropshipping, you don’t need to have the stock with you. You only need a reliable third-party supplier store that can ship inventory on your behalf to your customers. It’s a great business idea because it’s hands-off, low overhead, and scalable.

Dropshipping clears you of the need to handle any products by allowing you to make the sales and pass the orders on to the supplier, who then does the rest for you. It’s, in fact, one of the quickest and affordable business ideas, and that’s why it’s at the top of our list.

Once you’ve found your niche, you can curate products from a single supplier or many others into your online store, placing them under one theme. When a client purchases the items from you, the supplier(s) receive the order and fulfill it on your behalf. Always remember that as hands-off as dropshipping is, you are still responsible for customer service and promoting your business. It’s your responsibility always to ensure the client receives their order in good time and condition.

3D Printing

The future is looking bright for 3D printing as the demand for 3D printed goods rises steadily. This type of business idea is great for someone who requires a side business without dropping all other activities. Just like dropshipping, you don’t need to stock up inventory with 3D printing.

This way, you end up saving costs and space as you don’t need to print in bulk. The printing occurs on-demand, and the design files are stored virtually. If you need to print one order ten times, you don’t need to have the physical design as you can always locate it on your CAD or STL file and print it.

Additionally, you don’t have to be physically present when the machine is printing. Once you key in your specifications, the design prints itself while you lounge or go on with your day. You also avoid wastage of materials and save up more.

Design and Print-On-Demand Items

If you have a creative streak and a knack for fashion, you can combine the two to make customised clothes and other items. You can use things like t-shirts, tote bags, hoodies, phone cases, frame art, and mugs to let your creativity shine.

If you want to add more edge to your items, think of a witty or trendy slogan that resonates with your clients. For example, the slogan can be cat or dog-related, entertaining or sassy. Always stay up to date on trends that your audience feels passionate and proud about and use as material for your business.

The best part is even if you’re not a designer, you can outsource from sites like Upwork and Fiverr. Find someone reliable and good at what they do and work with them for a fee. Additionally, if you don’t have enough funds for a full photoshoot for the design of your new items, you can always use mockup templates.

Sell Handmade/ Handcrafted Goods

People love handmade items because they present a homely feeling. If there’s something you’ve become good at over the years, such as making soaps, delicious sauces, or candles, you are uniquely placed to turn your hobby or gift into a money-making venture. Although you will have to consider how to manage your inventory or other factors like shipping, you can start simple by making the items on a pre-order basis to avoid wastage.

If the orders are consistent, you can scale your business to greater heights. A disclaimer that you need to keep in mind is that you should be mindful of your products and the regulations in their category. Do in-depth research about the rules, especially if you make anything that clients can eat, inhale or apply on their skin.

Use Your Social Media Audience

In today’s world, social media numbers are a key asset to use. It’s so huge that companies are willing to invest in it to put the word about their products out there. If you feel you’re not cut out for physical business but have a large social media following, it’s time to put it to good use.

Start creating content that you feel your audience might relate more to. A great way to do this is to run a poll on your handles to find out what your followers like. This way, you get a sense of how you can give your audience value while also turning your social media following into multiple revenue streams.

There are several avenues to go with. For example, you can become an influencer for one or several companies, do sponsored posts on behalf of other brands, plug your products if you have another business, or do a combination of the three if they’re not mutually exclusive. While it takes time for the big bucks to roll in, it’s worth your time and effort.

How We Can Help

Starting a business can create some hurdles, especially when you don’t have funding to get it off the ground. However, with the above business ideas, all you need is the will and dedication (and word of mouth) to get the wheels rolling. If your hobby turns into a full time business and you begin hiring your own staff, you need a company that has your best interests at heart.

At Nationwide Super, we’re the Small Business Super Business for entrepreneurs and small business owners in Australia. Contact us today to see how we can serve you and your employees. Read our disclaimer