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MyBenefits – even more for our members

When you become a member of Nationwide Super, it’s not all about waiting until you retire to get any benefit from your super – we’re here to make super simple and provide you with access to a range of other useful products and services, including:

Consolidate your lost super

We make super simple for our members. You’ll be able to track down and merge all of your lost super funds with just 3 clicks!

 Getting advice 

Sooner or later, we’re all going to have a few questions about our super and other finances that we could use a little help with – so call in the experts and speak with a Super Adviser.

 Member wellbeing 

For support when you need it most – we can assist members facing significant financial issues and can also provide information and links to organisations that may be able to help you deal with the emotional effects.

 Keeping your super safe 

You’re working hard to build your super savings for your retirement, and protecting your savings is important. Here are some tips and information to help keep your super savings safe.