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Are casual workers entitled to superannuation?

Are you a casual worker wondering whether your employer should be contributing superannuation for you? The good news is that yes, you may be entitled to super. Here’s a breakdown of whether you are entitled to super from your employer.

How it works

Every employer is required to pay 9.5 percent of the total value of your ‘ordinary time earnings’ into your super fund if:

  • You’re over 18 and earn more than $450 (before tax) in a calendar month
  • You’re under 18 and work more than 30 hours a week (and still earn more than $450 in a calendar month).

How do I check if my super is being paid?

There are two ways you can check if your super is being paid. First, take a look at your payslip, which should include the amount of super you are getting and the date that your super is paid into your account. Alternatively, you can check directly with your super fund to see if you are receiving contributions from your employer.

What happens if I have multiple super funds?

If you have worked with different employers, you probably have super in a few different funds. Putting all of your super into one account means you could save costs by only paying one set of fees, it reduces your paperwork and makes it easier to keep track of your super savings. If you’re a member of Nationwide Super we make it easy for you – we’ll contact your other funds and transfer your accounts to your Nationwide Super account at no cost. If you have accounts with other funds, you just need to consider the current fees being charged by them and any exit fees they may charge, along with the loss of any insurance coverage.

Contact us to find out if you are entitled to super or how to find lost super and consolidate your accounts