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User experience designer working at the office - how to get a new website concept

How Do I Get A Website For My Business?

If you don’t have a solid online presence in today’s digital world, you’re missing out on opportunities to grow. Just how do you go about getting a website for your business? Here are a few tips to get you started.

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How To Write A Detailed Business Plan

Writing a detailed, formal Business Plan is an achievable, step-by-step process. It all begins with researching your idea to make sure there is a viable market for it, then fleshing out the small details of how you’ll accomplish your goals.

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Cropped shot of a creative businessperson working in the office

Starting a New Business in Australia

Starting your own business is exciting, and a bit daunting at the same time. Your great ideas and energetic willingness to do whatever it takes to get going are tempered by all of the details. Your world is suddenly all about obtaining finances, proper licensing and adequate insurance. You need to become an expert at running a business, promoting it and growing it. Take a deep breath, and follow these steps to success.

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Super News – Employer Edition – Issue 1 2018

Super News – Employer Edition – Issue 1 2018 Welcome to the latest edition of Super News for our contributing employers. In this edition we help you get prepared for the government’s Single Touch Payroll scheme that starts on 1 July this year for businesses with more than 20 employees, look at the new and […]

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Single Touch Payroll is almost here

Single Touch Payroll is almost here If you’re a business with 20 or more employees, then the government’s Single Touch Payroll (STP) scheme is about to come into effect for you. This scheme, along with a number of other recent reforms, have been designed by the government to safeguard and modernise the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) […]

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Small Business superannuation information Small Business Super Fund

Superannuation As a Small Business Owner: Everything You Need To Know

If you’re looking at starting a small business, or are already running one, and have staff working for you – you have a lot on your plate. Find out everything you need to know about Superannuation as a small business owner, to make sure you don’t get penalised. Learn more.

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