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How the GoalTracker® investment option works

The GoalTracker (MySuper) investment option invests your super based on your age.

When you’re younger and focused on growing your super balance, your investment strategy will have a higher allocation to growth assets. As you approach retirement, it will increase your allocation to defensive assets to help protect your savings*.

Global investment expertise

Peace of mind knowing that investment experts are managing your super savings.

Annual reviews

Every year we will assess your age and if needed, adjust your investment strategy to ensure it is still appropriate for you.

*The investment manager may make tactical changes to the option’s strategic asset allocation from time-to-time in response to capital market expectations.

Take it to the next level with GoalTracker Plus for no additional cost 

Using the information you provide about yourself through the GoalTracker program, such as your income goal for retirement and the age you wish to retire, GoalTracker Plus can create and manage a tailored investment strategy for you. It will then check your situation every three months and make changes to your investment strategy if necessary (unless you opt out).

Choosing to activate GoalTracker Plus is a great way to let us take the headache and emotion out of investing your super savings. And best of all, as a member, GoalTracker Plus is available at no additional cost.

Explore GoalTracker Plus