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Woman writing a blog on her laptop

How Do I Start a Blog for My Small Business?

A blog is a great way to help boost sales, especially if you do not have a lot of money in the budget for marketing. Using these tips can help you to create a successful blog for your business.

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Ethical investing - piggy bank with lightbulb with plant sprouting inside

What is Ethical Investing?

Socially responsible investment (SRI), or ethical investment, takes environmental, social, governance (ESG) or ethical considerations into account for the investment selection and management process, which can be important factors for some investors. Find out more.

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guy picking up a lost a lost wallet, representing lost super funds

How to Find Lost Super

If you have lost super funds or multiple accounts with other funds, consolidating your accounts together could mean you save money on fees, and your super is easier to track and manage. Find out more.

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Top view of business team working at trendy loft office. Young mixed race group of people puts palm together on centre, crowdfunding concept

How Do I Crowdfund My New Business Idea?

Crowdfunding is a great avenue for raising capital when more traditional ways to get funding may not be available. Using a few of these tips can help you to develop a successful campaign and get you the funding you need to get your new business off the ground. Find out more.

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Young woman writing her business plan

Four Tips to Write a Business Plan

Before you start a business, it is really important to have a business plan. This not only helps you know what direction you want your business to go, but is also necessary to help you get funding if needed. It can be difficult to write a business plan, especially if you have never written one before. Here are some tips to write your own business plan.

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Elderly couple discussing their superannuation and retirement plans

How to Determine How Much Super You Need

The amount of superannuation you’ll need in retirement depends on many factors, such as how long you expect to live, anticipated medical costs, and the lifestyle you want. Find out more.

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