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Understanding Socially Responsible Investing

Understanding Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Choosing where your super savings are invested is an important decision, and can be based on many factors including your attitudes and tolerance to risk, your investment timeframe, and your stage of life. Socially responsible investment takes environmental, social, governance (ESG) or ethical considerations into account for the investment selection […]

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Still have multiple super accounts?

Still have multiple super accounts? Apart from making it easier to manage your super savings, gathering up any multiple accounts you may have (called consolidating) and rolling them over into your Nationwide Super account means you could end up paying a lot less in fees. OUR TIP: You should take into account any exit fees […]

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Turbo boost your super savings with salary sacrifice

Turbo boost your super savings with salary sacrifice Making additional contributions to super while you’re still working can make a massive difference to your retirement savings, and it doesn’t have to be a big financial burden along the way either. Just like any good savings approach – setting a goal and getting into the habit […]

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We’re taking big steps in the right direction

We’re taking big steps in the right direction In 2017, the team at NSF Super will be celebrating 30 years of service to you, our members and employers. We’ve seen plenty of major changes in the super industry over that time, in terms of both legislation, and the needs of the people we’re here to […]

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Supporting Hunter TAFE 2016 Alumni Awards

The NSF Super team were proud to be the major sponsor of the 2016 Hunter TAFE Alumni Awards, presented as part of the Hunter TAFE Awards at Crown Plaza, Terrigal.

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Employer News – Edition 1 – 2016

NSF Super News for Employers Welcome to the latest edition of NSF Super News for our Employers. In this edition we look at the government’s Single Touch Payroll proposal, SuperStream compliant contributions, introduce our new Member Card, look at changes to beneficiary nominations, and more. Click here to download a PDF version. SuperStream compliant contributions […]

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